Literacy and Language Resources 

EEF Resources

The Literacy Coach led the EEF's national literacy campaign on reading fluency in 2021-22. The fluency resources were produced in collaboration with Herts for Learning and St Matthew's Primary School in Birmingham. 

Click on the image links to visit the resource on the EEF website (© EEF). These are The Literacy Coach's go-to downloads...

“We thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with Sarah on the creation of a suite of reading fluency tools for the Education Endowment Foundation. Sarah’s deep understanding of effective classroom practice was evident through every interaction. We benefitted greatly from the way that she generously shared her knowledge.”

Penny Slater, Education Development and Partnership Lead

Oral Language & Oracy

The Literacy Coach was in the first cohort of Voice21's National Oracy Leaders programme in 2016. Since then, she has continued to work with Voice21 and represented the EEF at the Oracy APPG in Parliament in 2021.

Click on the image links to visit the organisation websites that The Literacy Coach has found invaluable for developing oracy in schools.


Vocabulary is a crucial part of any school's curriculum, and yet the research behind vocabulary development isn't always fully understood. It is both a curriculum and a pedagogy issue.

Take a look at some key resources to support your thinking around implementing effective vocabulary instruction...


Understanding how pupils learning to read and read to learn is crucial for any teacher or leader: everyone is a teacher of reading.

Take a look at some key resources to support your thinking around the development of reading...


Writing is always on the 'to do' list, but the development of reading and vocabulary often prioritised more. 

However, research tells us that explicit writing instruction goes hand in hand with reading, and is crucial for developing confident, fluent writers.

Take a look at some key resources to support your thinking around the development of writing...

Disciplinary Literacy

In their Improving Secondary Literacy Guidance Report, the EEF explains that 'disciplinary literacy is an approach to improving literacy across the curriculum. It recognises that literacy skills are both general and subject specific, emphasising the value of supporting teachers of every subject to teach students how to read, write and communicate effectively.' 

If you have some time, here are some great video clips and recorded webinars to watch on the topic.

Or, if you haven't got the time to watch, take a look at some useful blogs below...

“I invited Sarah to deliver some Literacy training for our Inset day recently.  Her delivery and subject knowledge in this area was second to none.  The materials used in the day and delivery of the workshop was of an excellent standard.  I would definitely recommend Sarah to anyone thinking of using her.”

Emma Platt, Assistant Headteacher, Philips High School